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2004-03-22 - 5:18 p.m.

What A Load Of Crap......

So this weekend I find myself in a Gay bar (yes,Gay with a capitol "G"), entertaining an out-of-town person who is in fact Gay. Makes sense, eh?!?!

But after one ginger ale and Stoli Vanilla, I begin to get reallllllly pissed off. A bunch of well-groomed, nicely-dressed pretty boys, and I can't have a one of them. I've been to Gay bars before and have never gotten so pissed off. I usually have quite the good time, beeing ooo'ed and ahh'ed over because they all think I look like Kelly Clarkson of TV's "American Idol", which I don't. I have about a foot of height on her, loooong hair, and 10+ years older.

But back to being angry with the Gay boys. Oh, yea, I'm NOT angry at the Gay boys, I'm angry at the straight men---all we ladies ask is that you put a bit more pride in your appearance as the girlies do for you.

That's it. Trim, pluck, bathe. Buy your clothes at Club Monaco or a Little Bananna Republic occasionaly. That's not too much to ask if you are constantly wanting blow jobs, which alot of girls don't relish giving--- but I do not speak for all women.

Yep, still looking for sex...


and another thing...if one more person says I should date someone older, I'm going to FUCKING SCREAM. Why??? Why the fuck should I date someone older???? They have as many stupid fucking hang-ups and eccentricities and the young ones, who I might add, are a bunch of fun. And I'm not talking about that young---I cut them off at 28, and at my birthday, 29.

SO LAY OFF AND FIND ME SOMEONE BETWEEN THE AGES OF 29-36. then you will be helping. And no more of the "well, he's losing his hair a bit"-- shaved head is okay, if it's sexy-shaved.

Allright, I'm done


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